
Federal Decree-Law No.7 Of 2017 On Excise Tax

Common Excise Tax Agreement Of The States Of The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)

Cabinet Decision No. 37 Of 2017 On The Executive Regulation Of The Federal Decree-Law No. 7 Of 2017 On Excise Tax

Cabinet Decision No. 42 Of 2018 On Marking Tobacco And Tobacco Products

Federal Tax Authority Decision No. 3 Of 2018 On Impleminting The Marking Tobacco And Tobacco Products Scheme

Federal Tax Authority Decision No. 2 Of 2019 On Implementing The Marking Tobacco And Tobacco Products Scheme

Cabinet Resolution No. 33 Of 2019 On Administrative Penalties For Violations Related To Marking Excise Goods

Cabinet Decision No. 52 Of 2019 Excise Goods, Excise Tax Rates And The Methods Of Calculating The Excise Price

Cabinet Decision No. 55 Of 2019 Excise Price For Tobacco Products

Ministerial Decision No. 236 Of 2019 Of Implementation Of The Cabinet Decision No. 52 Of 2019 On Excise Goods, Excise Tax Rates And The Methods Of Calculating The Excise Price

Ministerial Decision No. 237 Of 2019 Of Implementation Of The Cabinet Decision No. 55 Of 2019 On Excise Price For Tobacco Products

Ministerial Decision No. 236 Of 2019 Of Implementation Of The Cabinet Decision No. 52 Of 2019 On Excise Goods, Excise Tax Rates And The Methods Of Calculating The Excise Price

Guides References Public Clarifications

Clarifications User Guide

Payment User Guide

Tax Agents And Tax Agencies User Guide

Tax Agent Professional Standards Guide

Voluntary Disclosure User Guide

Scenarios Requiring The Return Of Digital Tax Stamps

Moving Excise Goods Which Are Marked With A Digital Tax Stamp Not Containing End-To-End Traceability

Stockpiling Of Excise Goods

Deregistration Of Stockpilers

Renewal Of Designated Zone Registration

Postponement Of The Implementation Of The Final Step Of Phase Two Of The Marking Tobacco And Tobacco Products Scheme (The Scheme)

Excise Tax User Guide (Registration, Amendments And De-Registration)

Warehouse Keepers And Designated Zones (Registration, Ammendments, De-Registration)

Excise Tax Importers Guide (Registered And Non-Registered)

Excise Tax Clearing Company (Registration And Ammendments)

Excise Tax Clearing Company User Guide (Importers, Release & Consumption)

Excise Tax Refund

Excise Tax Returns User Guide

Excise Tax Importers Guide (Registered And Non-Registered)

Excise Tax Clearing Company (Registration And Ammendments)

Excise Tax Clearing Company User Guide (Importers, Release & Consumption)

Excise Tax Refund

Excise Tax Returns User Guide

Taxable Person Guide For Excise Tax

Excise Tax Scenarios – Importers

Excise Tax Scenarios – Producers

Excise Tax Scenarios – Released From A Designated Zone


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